Our process provides major low carbon, environmental, health, and resource utilization benefits versus comparable products made by crude refiners and ULO re-refiners that utilize hydrogen.
Scope 1 emissions are estimated from direct energy usage, and Scope 2 emissions are generated indirectly by purchases from suppliers. Scope 3 emissions are associated with feedstock and products. Our Scope 3 emissions achieve a sizeable net carbon reduction because approximately 2/3 of every ULO gallon we process becomes base oil. Base oil is not burned and thus does not generate material emissions. However, 100% of ULO not processed becomes dirty burning fuel, creating high levels of CO2 and particulate matter (PM).
1. Source: Abdalla N. and Fehrenbach H., “LCA for regeneration of waste oil to base oil,” April 2018; edited by Institut für Energie (ifeu) and reviewed by an independent panel.
2. Emissions are measured from Group III base oil with a viscosity index equal to 125. We believe this is conservative since the viscosity index of Envidigm's base oils is expected to increase as the quality of all finished lubricants (the precursor to ULO) continues to rise.
3. Ecological priority rankings established by the German Federal Environment Agency.
4 .US-based ULO re-refineries that utilize hydrotreating, which represent (a) 12 of the 13 US-based ULO re-refiners and (b) more than 87% of the ULO-to-base oil production volume.
5 .Represents Scope 1 -3 emissions of four facilities.
6 .Source: EPA website: https://www.epa.gov/energy/greenhouse-gas-equivalencies-calculator. Amounts are average use (passenger vehicle use, electricity use) or sequestration limited to first 10 years of the trees’ life, as applicable.